
Tell us a little bit about your background. How did you get your start taking photos?

I always felt attracted by visual art. As a child I used to spend every day of the week drawing. I remember being really passionate about drawing super heroes, all of them created by me, each one of them had a different and absurd super power. As time passed by, I slowly stopped drawing, I don’t know why, but it just happened.
In Argentina, when you finish high school it is customary to do a trip with your fellow classmates. For this trip I bought a compact digital camera, which by the way, was my first camera. After that trip, the camera was stored for a while. I always wanted to take a photography course and I took one at the age of 19. I realized that it was something I did not want to tame too much, but to learn through experience. So I started studying on my own count. I began to take pictures just for fun. Trial and failure, over and over. As time passed by, I found myself exploring different types of photography and I then realized I could do with the camera what I was doing before with drawing – create something totally new.


What is your creative process like? What inspires your photographs?

It depends, sometimes the idea is inspired by a place, but most of the time it is something I have jotted down in my notebook. I try to find inspiration in everyday situations, feelings and objects with which I come in contact. First, I draw the main idea in my notebook, just to avoid forgetting it, then I work with the concept, the composition, the light, etc. When the idea is more or less ready, I plan everything. Sometimes I have to build supports with my own hands, it’s one of my favorite parts of the process. This is when I have to define the location, the model, how I will carry out the idea. I like to work a lot in pre-production, so I can decrease post production. I try to use the least amount of Photoshop possible.


How much time goes into carrying out one of your ideas? Which photo has taken the longest to plan out?

It depends on the idea. I build the props with my hands so the time depends on what I need to create. Also, I need to scout the perfect locations. In general it can take one or a couple of weeks from when I scout the location. For example, it took me one week to create a real lipstick-cannon for my photo “Red lips.”


Your photo of the guy with the umbrella and humans raining is very strong. What inspired this photo?

This photo is one of my first self-portraits, 3 years ago. It was shot in the countryside around my town. The umbrella is one of my favorite props, full of meaning, because it protects you but at the same time is very fragile. Rainy humans are like “my others” that died during my life.


Who are some of your biggest influences?

René Magritte, the illustrator Pawel Kuczynski, Wes Anderson, and many others artists.


What can we expect to see from you in the future?

I have been traveling a lot for the  last year and a half and many ideas came to my mind, now it is time to carry them out. Also, lately I have fallen more in love with prop-design, so the next photos will probably include an object that I built specially for them.







Tell us a little bit about your background, how did you get your start in the art world?

In the art world I started professionally in 2010 when I lived in London.

What is your creative process like?

Every day I am documenting about aesthetic movements that I like that are inspiring me here and there. The most difficult thing is to find the idea. Once you have the idea the next step in the process is sketching,  then trying different materials and color combinations; I make collages to get an idea of how it will be exposed in a real space. Once I convince myself it all works then I begin the final piece.


What inspired your “faceless” series?

This collection is a tribute to all my idols, characters that have somehow marked me throughout my life.

As a child you wanted to be a fashion designer. Is this something we expect to see from you soon?

If all goes well I would like to draw a line of clothes this year, but I am very thorough with all my projects and I need to have everything under control to carry it out.

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I read that Picasso is one of your biggest influences. What is your favorite piece by him?

‘Les Demoiselles d’Avignon’ is my favorite piece by Picasso, I remember seeing it for the first time in the movie ‘Titanic’ when I was eight years old and was fascinated by the colors of the painting. A few months ago I was lucky to see it at the MoMa Museum and of course it is a piece that provokes many things in me, I feel Stendhal’s syndrome when I see it. Although probably what arouses the most feelings in me is the photographic process of the creation of Guernica.


What is inspiring you right now? What are you currently working on?

I am currently sucking on everything that at some point in my life inspired me to create a book that I am writing and drawing on my relationship with art.

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Coco Dávez is not your real name, what inspired this moniker?

My real name is Valeria Palmeiro, ‘Coco’ came up with a Sesame Street character that made me very funny and ‘Dávez’ is the total invention of a surname.


What can we expect to see from you in the future?

I hope that the Dávez universe will grow and not be left alone in the canvases, I would like this signature to become a company.

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Tell us a little bit about your background, how did you get your start in the art world?

Well, I was born at my father’s painting studio. He is also an artist so since my very first day in this world I was surrounded by brushes, canvas, colors, pencils… So this was the natural path for me. I always knew I would become someone whose life is art. It’s  been easy in that sense, I never had any doubts or a plan B.





I read that you are from Spain; how does your heritage translate into your work?

I’m not sure if my work is influenced by my country. I never use Spain and its tradition as a specific part of my inspiration. Or at least no more than other countries. I use Italian, American, African or Asian heritages at the same level as the Spanish one.





Your work consists of a lot of very colorful portraits. How do you pick your subjects?

I always have dozens of stories in my mind that I want to tell through my work, most of them are about pretty much the same thing: the non-standard people, the non-regular people, minorities (usually not well treated minorities). I’ve been living with gypsies for 10 years and have seen that B side of society,  but there are also wonderful things that happen, there is also magic there, even brighter than the usual one. I like to speak about that magic from the B side of the society.




What is your creative process like?

I always create the story first in my mind, and the rest of the process is pretty much improvisation. I let my hands choose the composition and my eyes and heart choose the colors… There is not too much to explain, I just create the story in my mind and the rest happens naturally 🙂




I read that you listen to a lot of hip-hop while painting. What is on your playlist right now?

Desiigner, Future, Kanye, Lil Yachty…




On your Instagram I’ve seen a couple of really cool clothing pieces with your work on them. Is clothing/print design something that you thought you would ever be a part of?

I love fashion, it’s fun and it’s a great kind of art. I’m working on my own clothing brand, I hope I can get some fun from the fashion world someday.




What is inspiring you right now? What are you currently working on?

I’m working on a sort of illustrated encyclopedia about outsiders of our world, human minorities, cities, countries, animals, plants, artists… A book about the B side of life.




What can we expect to see from you in the future?

I’m not sure. If I keep doing things, I will do bigger and bigger things. I want to paint a mountain and fill every corner of the world with color 🙂




How would you describe your work? 
Grape flavored popsicle dipped in the ocean and placed on a rock to melt.
So you only work digital? Why? 
It has less restrictions and I can put it in the world instantaneously.
How did you get your start in the art world?
I used to cold email companies like crazy and eventually some started to take notice. I got a couple small jobs which led to bigger jobs. While I was waiting for anyone to respond to me I would constantly make new work to keep myself experimenting.
What is a piece that you have done that you are really proud of? 
I love all of my work equally.
I read that you’re a surfer as well, does this translate into your art? If yes, how? 
Absolutely. I think the spontaneity of surfing has allowed me to work more instinctively. One of the hardest things to do is start a piece but I think surfing helps that.
Tell us about a typical day in your life –
Wake up and feed the baby, dog, and myself. Then I will check the surf and respond to emails. If the waves are good I will go surf. I will eat again and work on any projects that I have or make personal work. The rest of the day will be sprinkled with tending to the dog and baby and responding to emails.
What are you inspired by?
Any type of art or music that evokes strong emotions.
I read somewhere that you always listen to music while working. What’s on your playlist right now?
Electric Wizard, Windhand, and Stevie Ray Vaughan.
Working on any new books? What can we expect to see from you in the future? 
I have a couple awesome clothing collaborations coming up as well as putting together my 10th part of my 440 page book series.

Interview – Sarah Ann Loreth


How did you get into photography?

I wish I had a really interesting story to tell, like I picked up my first camera and the stars aligned and it was meant to be. But my story isn’t that interesting. I had gotten a camera for Christmas one year and never really thought to use it beyond a few macro shots of slugs, spices, and flowers. I had been working in an operating room for a few years by then and a lot of my time was spent at work. A relationship I had ended and I needed a bit of a distraction so I bought myself a tripod and remote and started doing really shy self portraits in my kitchen against the blank white wall. I was always very shy but self portraiture became a way to channel my emotions through art. I found that by playing different characters I was learning more about myself. Eventually I started posting my work to social media and I got such a good response I just keep going and kept creating.


What is your creative process like?

I keep notebooks on me at all times that I use to write down inspiration and photo ideas for future use. I read a lot of poetry and philosophy which keeps my mind open and active to all possibilities. Then I just wait for the best locations to execute the ideas! I try to get as descriptive as possible in my notebooks and even draw out the concepts for ease of shooting. It really cuts down on my shooting time. Then it’s just a matter of bringing those photos into Photoshop.

You seem to experiment a lot in your photos with different themes and styles of photo and editing. Is there anything that you are looking forward to experimenting with? Any favorite new experiences in photo?

I’m always trying to experiment with color. Trying to portray emotions and stories best through brilliant pops of color. I’ve been working a lot lately in a wider crop to give the stories I create a more cinematic feel, like stills from a movie. I’m excited to play around more with that and let my style grow and develop, one picture at a time. I’ve had the opportunity to travel the last four months visiting so many iconic parks and beautiful locations and I’ve found a new appreciation in landscapes and the technique behind them.


Who are some of your favorite photographers and artists?

I’ve traveled extensively with Joel Robison and Shane Black who are both incredible photographers. We’ve spent the last two summers together traveling around North America hosting workshops along the way. We call ourselves The Wild Ones Tour and together we have traveled over 28,000 miles and hosted more than twenty workshops. I love the feel of Elizabeth Gadd‘s photos which always leave me with a wanderlust. I love the stories and emotion in Sally Mann and Gregory Crewdson and I find a lot of inspiration in them.

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How would you describe your style of photography?

I would describe my photography as fine art or conceptual portraiture. I love to tell a story through a photo with very strong emotion to draw the viewer in. I try to give my photos a bit of reality to them often in a wider more cinematic crop that tells a strong story.

Which photo that you have taken is your favorite? Why?

Any photo that looks exactly like how I had imagined is my favorite. You know when things just turn out the way you had planned? It’s a satisfying feeling. There is one in particular where I had lugged my camera to the top of some sand dunes in Idaho last summer. It was so hot. And the dunes were steep and hard to climb. I snapped a few self portraits and the wind picked up and blew my dress and hair and everything turned out wonderfully.


Where do you find inspiration?

Although I am a visual artist, most of my inspiration comes from writing and philosophy. If I’m really stuck for ideas I’ll open one of my favorite books of poetry, put my finger on one of the lines and try to create a story to visually translate that idea. I find inspiration in phrases and interesting words strung together. I find inspiration in being attentive to song lyrics.

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You do a lot of portraits. What do you look for in your subjects?

Almost all of my photos are of myself, my friends, and fellow photographers. I love having other photographers pose for me. They are always so aware of their angles, how to pose, and are always so willing to do whatever it takes to get the shot. I’ve always been very shy so I tend to choose people I trust and whose stories I know.

What can we expect from you in the future?

I hope to continue co-hosting the annual Wild Ones Workshop Tour to continue to build a brilliant community of photographers. I hope to continue to travel. I hope to continue to allow my style to grow. I hope to move to the west coast and find gallery representation. I hope to continue to live my photography dreams.

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All images via. Sarah Ann Loreth

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